2025 Esserman-Knight Journalism Awards - Nominations
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The Esserman-Knight Journalism Awards seek to celebrate and encourage outstanding investigative and public service reporting in South Florida and to foster a community that cares deeply about local news.
Nominations are due by March 19, 2025 at 11:59 pm et.
Anyone can nominate a journalist or a team of journalists for outstanding original reporting from Miami-Dade, Broward or Monroe counties that was published in 2024. Nominations of an article, a series of related articles (up to three) on a single or related topics are considered for this honor. Nominations are encouraged from all mediums: Print, online, television, podcasts, radio, video, audio and data visualization work— standalone or combination. For the first time this year, documentary films up to 120 minutes are also eligible.
Entries should serve the public by holding the powerful to account, shining a light on a pervasive or underreported community problem, or breaking new ground on an issue. The submissions will be judged by the quality of analysis and storytelling, the rigor of newsgathering, the inclusion of community voices, and the impact on public understanding or action. Jurors include highly experienced professional journalists, members of the community and the Esserman family.
The awards are by nomination only. Self nominations are not accepted.
The awards include a $10,000 first prize, a $5,000 second prize, and honorable mentions at $1,000. Winners will be notified in May 2025, with a public announcement and awards event to follow.
For further information, visit our website and please consult our frequently asked questions or email us at essermanknight@miamifoundation.org